


// custom symbol
let age: symbol = Symbol('age')
let ageFor: symbol = Symbol.for('age')

// well-known symbol, 用于接口和类中的可计算属性名
// 三种声明方式
const age: unique symbol = Symbol()

interfere WithUniqueSymbol {
    readonly age: unique symbol

class C {
    static readonly age: unique symbol = Symbol()


包含 undefinednull--strictNullChecks 为 false 时,允许将 undefined 和 null 值赋给 string 类型等其它类型

let a:string = undefined


用于函数返回值不存在场景,没有返回值也是 void 类型

// strictNullChecks: true
function test(): void {
    return undefined


  • 数值型枚举

  • 字符串枚举

  • 异构枚举

  • 数值型枚举

enum Direction {

// set init value
enum Direction {
    Up = 1,
    Down, // 2
    Left = 10,
    Right // 11

// 合法
const d:Direction = 15
  • 字符串枚举
enum Direction {
    Up = 'Up',
    Down = 'Down',
    Left = 'Left',
    Right = 'Right'

const d:Direction = 'UP'
  • 异构枚举 异构枚举中,必须为字符枚举类型前的数值枚举成员指定一个初始值
enum Color {
    Black = 'Black'

// 非法
enum Color {
    Black = 'Black',
  • const 枚举 简化编译,取消枚举反向映射
const enum Direction {

any & unknown

any 为顶端类型,是其它类型的父类型,可以跳过类型检查,--noImplicitAny,开启,则进行隐式 any 转换, 任何类型都可以赋值给 any,同理,any 也可以赋值给任何类型,除了 never

unknown 为顶端类型,任何类型都可以赋值给 any,但 unknown 只能赋值为 unknown or any,可以理解为类型安全的 any 类型

let x: unknown

// correct
const a1: any = x
const a2: unknown = x

// uncorrect
const a3: boolean = x
const a4: number = x

// good practise
function test(message: unknown): number | null {
    if(typeof message === 'string') {
        return message.length

    return null



  • 作为函数返回值
// 异常返回值
function throwError(): never {
    throw new Error()

// 无限循环
function loop(): never {
    while(true) {
  • 类型运算
type Exclude<T, U> = T extends U ? never : T

type T = Exclude<boolean | string, string>



// ReadonlyArray
const red: ReadonlyArray<number> = [1, 2, 3]

// readonly
const blue: readonly number[] = [1, 2, 3]

// Readonly<T>
const gray: Readonly<Array<number>> = [1,2,3]
const gray1: Readonly<number[]> = [1, 2, 3]

type Readonly_My<T> = {
    readonly [P in keyof T] : T[P]


// readonly
const point: readonly [number, string] = [1, '1']

// Readonly<T>
const count: Readonly<[number, string]> = [1,'1']

// optional
const option: [number, string, boolean?] = [1, '1']
const option_: [number, string, boolean?] = [1, '1', true]
const options: [number, ...string[]] = [1, '1', '1', '2', '3']



Object 集成了很多基础的方法和属性,除了 null 和 undefined 以外,其它基础类型都可以赋值给它

interface Object {
    /** The initial value of Object.prototype.constructor is the standard built-in Object constructor. */
    constructor: Function;

    /** Returns a string representation of an object. */
    toString(): string;

    /** Returns a date converted to a string using the current locale. */
    toLocaleString(): string;

    /** Returns the primitive value of the specified object. */
    valueOf(): Object;

     * Determines whether an object has a property with the specified name.
     * @param v A property name.
    hasOwnProperty(v: PropertyKey): boolean;

     * Determines whether an object exists in another object's prototype chain.
     * @param v Another object whose prototype chain is to be checked.
    isPrototypeOf(v: Object): boolean;

     * Determines whether a specified property is enumerable.
     * @param v A property name.
    propertyIsEnumerable(v: PropertyKey): boolean;


不允许读写和修改 object 的属性

const obj: object = {
    age: 0,
    name: 'Joe'

// error: 类型“object”上不存在属性“name”

描述 ObjectConstructor,即 Object.create() 方法

interface ObjectConstructor {
    new(value?: any): Object;
    (): any;
    (value: any): any;

    /** A reference to the prototype for a class of objects. */
    readonly prototype: Object;

     * Returns the prototype of an object.
     * @param o The object that references the prototype.
    getPrototypeOf(o: any): any;

     * Gets the own property descriptor of the specified object.
     * An own property descriptor is one that is defined directly on the object and is not inherited from the object's prototype.
     * @param o Object that contains the property.
     * @param p Name of the property.
    getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o: any, p: PropertyKey): PropertyDescriptor | undefined;

     * Returns the names of the own properties of an object. The own properties of an object are those that are defined directly
     * on that object, and are not inherited from the object's prototype. The properties of an object include both fields (objects) and functions.
     * @param o Object that contains the own properties.
    getOwnPropertyNames(o: any): string[];

     * Creates an object that has the specified prototype or that has null prototype.
     * @param o Object to use as a prototype. May be null.
    create(o: object | null): any;

     * Creates an object that has the specified prototype, and that optionally contains specified properties.
     * @param o Object to use as a prototype. May be null
     * @param properties JavaScript object that contains one or more property descriptors.
    create(o: object | null, properties: PropertyDescriptorMap & ThisType<any>): any;

     * Adds a property to an object, or modifies attributes of an existing property.
     * @param o Object on which to add or modify the property. This can be a native JavaScript object (that is, a user-defined object or a built in object) or a DOM object.
     * @param p The property name.
     * @param attributes Descriptor for the property. It can be for a data property or an accessor property.
    defineProperty(o: any, p: PropertyKey, attributes: PropertyDescriptor & ThisType<any>): any;

     * Adds one or more properties to an object, and/or modifies attributes of existing properties.
     * @param o Object on which to add or modify the properties. This can be a native JavaScript object or a DOM object.
     * @param properties JavaScript object that contains one or more descriptor objects. Each descriptor object describes a data property or an accessor property.
    defineProperties(o: any, properties: PropertyDescriptorMap & ThisType<any>): any;

     * Prevents the modification of attributes of existing properties, and prevents the addition of new properties.
     * @param o Object on which to lock the attributes.
    seal<T>(o: T): T;

     * Prevents the modification of existing property attributes and values, and prevents the addition of new properties.
     * @param o Object on which to lock the attributes.
    freeze<T>(a: T[]): readonly T[];

     * Prevents the modification of existing property attributes and values, and prevents the addition of new properties.
     * @param o Object on which to lock the attributes.
    freeze<T extends Function>(f: T): T;

     * Prevents the modification of existing property attributes and values, and prevents the addition of new properties.
     * @param o Object on which to lock the attributes.
    freeze<T>(o: T): Readonly<T>;

     * Prevents the addition of new properties to an object.
     * @param o Object to make non-extensible.
    preventExtensions<T>(o: T): T;

     * Returns true if existing property attributes cannot be modified in an object and new properties cannot be added to the object.
     * @param o Object to test.
    isSealed(o: any): boolean;

     * Returns true if existing property attributes and values cannot be modified in an object, and new properties cannot be added to the object.
     * @param o Object to test.
    isFrozen(o: any): boolean;

     * Returns a value that indicates whether new properties can be added to an object.
     * @param o Object to test.
    isExtensible(o: any): boolean;

     * Returns the names of the enumerable string properties and methods of an object.
     * @param o Object that contains the properties and methods. This can be an object that you created or an existing Document Object Model (DOM) object.
    keys(o: object): string[];

对象字面量 {}

// 语法
    PropertyName: Type

// 示例
let o: {x: number, y:string} = {x:1,  y: '0'}
  • 属性签名
// 可计算属性
const a: 'a' = 'a'

let objA : {
    [a]: boolean

const s: unique symbol = Symbol()
let objs: {
    [s]: boolean

let objss: {
    [Symbol.iterator]: string



// 字面量
const abs: (x: number) => number = Math.abs

// 对象类型
const abs_:  {(x: number) : number} = Math.abs

// 接口定义函数
interface TestFunc {
    (name: string): string

const func: TestFunc = (name: string) => {
    return name

// 接口定义构造函数
interface TestFuncConstructor {
    new(name: string): string

function funcConstructor(ctr: TestFuncConstructor): string {
    return new ctr('')


let error = new Error('Error message')

// 构造函数
interface ErrorConstructor {
    new(message?: string): Error;
    (message?: string): Error;
    readonly prototype: Error;


let Dog: {
    new (name: string) : object

Dog = class {
    private name: string;

    constructor(name: string) {
        this.name = name


declare const F: {
    new(x: number): Number; // 构造签名
    (x: number): number     // 调用签名

const a: number = F(1)
const b: Number = new F(1)



function add(x: number, y: number): number;
function add(x: number[], y: number[]): number[];
function add(x: number | number[], y: number | number[]): number | number[] {
    if (typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number') {
        return x + y

    if (Array.isArray(x) && Array.isArray(y)) {
        return [...x, ...y]



function fn1() {
    this.a = true
    this.c = () => {}

function foo(this: { name: string }) {
    // OK
    this.name = 'Joe'
    // error: 不能将类型“1”分配给类型“string”
    this.name = 1



interface A {
    name: string;
    age?: number;
    readonly sex: string;

    // (msg: object): Error;   // 调用签名

    // new(msg: string): Error; // 构造签名

    getId(id: string): number; // 方法签名
    getId1: { (id: string): number };   // 属性签名和对象字面量签名
    getId2: (id: string) => number;     // 属性签名和函数类型字面量签名

    // [prop: string]: number;
    readonly [prop: number]: number      // 数值索引签名

interface B extends A {
    status: boolean

let bb: B = {
    name: 'ok',
    status: true,
    sex: 'male',

    getId: (name) => { return 1 },
    getId1: (name) => { return 1 },
    getId2: (name) => { return 1 },


接口声明能够为对象类型命名,类型别名声明能为 typescript 任何类型命名。


  • 类型别名表示非对象类型 (特别是联合类型),接口表示对象类型
  • 接口可以继承其它接口或者类,类型别名不可以
  • 接口名会显示在编译器和代码提示中不同,接口提示更加具体友好
  • 接口可以合并声明,类型别名不可以
type StringType = string
type BooleanType = true | false
type Point = { x: number; y: number; z?: number }
type Numeric = number | bigint

type T0 = { name: T0 }
type T1 = () => T1
type T2 = new () => T2

type T3 = T3[]
type T4 = Array<T4>
type T5 = [number, T5]

interface C<T> {
    name: T;

type T6 = C<T6>
class D<T>{
    name: T | undefined
type T7 = D<T7>

type Json =
    | string
    | number
    | boolean
    | null
    | { [property: string]: Json }
    | Json[]
const data: Json = {
    name: 'Joe',
    version: { main: 3 }

function test(value: Numeric) {
    const bar: boolean = value

// 声明合并行为,相同接口合并声明
interface CCC {
    name: string
interface CCC {
    age: number
let user: CCC = {
    name: 'Joe',
    age: 6



  • 声明初始化
  • 构造函数初始化
class Circle {
    radius: number;

    // 声明初始化
    readonly length: number = 10;

    private _distance: number = 0;

    #last_distance: number // 私有属性

    constructor() {
        // 构造函数初始化
        this.radius = 0
        this.#last_distance = 10

    area(): number {
        return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius

    // get & set 的方法属性必须相同,均为 public or private
    get() {
        return this._distance

    set(value: number) {
        if (value < 0) return
        this._distance = value

    [prop: number]: string

const circle = new Circle()

circle.radius = -10
circle.radius   // 0

circle.radius = 100
circle.radius   // 100




class Animal {
    heigth: number;
    name: string

    constructor() {
        this.heigth = 100

    switchName() {
        this.heigth = this.heigth > 100 ? 60 : 200
        this.name = this.heigth > 100 ? 'High' : 'Low'

class Cat extends Animal {
    // 静态成员
    static version: string = '1.0'

    // 构造函数继承
    constructor() {
    switchName() {
        console.log(`this name is: ${this.name}`)

let cat = new Cat()

cat.switchName()    // 'High'
cat.switchName()    // 'Low'
// 实现

interface EE {
    name: string;
    seq: number
interface FF {
    time: Date

// 接口多个继承
interface GG extends EE, FF {


// 类多个实现
class HH implements EE, FF {
    name = 'Joe'
    seq = 1
    time = new Date()



  • 初始化基类属性
  • 调用基类构造函数
  • 初始化派生类属性
  • 调用派生类构造函数


抽象类不可以被实例化,即不能通过 new 来创建实例,且抽象类中不能包含具体实现,抽象类适合作为基类

abstract class Base {
    name: string

    // 抽象成员只能声明
    abstract getAbsName(): string

    // 非抽象成员可以实现代码
    getName(): string {
        return ''


class Counter {
    private count: number = 0

    public add(): this {
        return this

    public min(): this {
        return this

    public getSum(): number {
        return this.count

let counter = new Counter()
贡献者: Joe